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Midrash - Wednesdays at 7:15 PM - taught by Rabbi Asher Dordek

Wednesday night Midrash class is now studying Pesikta Rabbati.

Come and learn the story behind the story of our holy Torah and Traditions.  Open to all ages and backgrounds.  Learn something new and gain insights and critical skills in this text based shiur.
This book of Midrash is structured in order of the Jewish Calendar and Holidays and is an authoritative classic examining selections of law and lore in the Torah She’B’al Peh Rabbinic traditions.

What we've been learning:

Class 1: introduced fundamental laws of Chanuka:  when to light, where to light and then asked why do we light?  Specifically we recite Hallel on Chanuka, why?

Inspired by the verse Pasuk from Tehilim Psalms 30:1, the Midrash connects the idea of Chanuka to lists of 7 other places in Tanach where the word Chanuka is used.

Class 2:  What does the word Chanuka mean exactly?  Why did Shlomo HaMelech build the Beis Hamikdash but then David HaMelech gets the credit?

Class 3:  What to do with leftover Chanuka oil?  The power of the righteous to influence the Creator and the laws of nature.

Halacha Shiur: M-F 6:25-6:35AM (Rosh Chodesh 6:15-6:25AM)- taught by Jeremy Friedman

A practical guide to living based on the Shulchan Aruch, the Rama, and Later Authorities.  We investigate the history of various rules and customs and try make sense of the wisdom embedded within them

What we've been learning:

This month we have been focused on learning hilchot kashrut.  Specifically we are learning how to kasher various vessels in preparation for Pesach, when acquiring non-kosher dishes, and/or when they accidentally became treif.

Parsha Shiur: Shabbat 9:20AM-9:35AM.  Insights on the Parsha based on midrashim - taught by Jeremy Friedman

What we've been learning:

Each week we discuss a different topic related to the parsha.  For Bereishit we are learning the Yalkut Mezam Loez Torah Anthology, originally written in Ladino by Rabbi Yaakov Culi, which collects different commentaries, midrashim, and agadot as well as details halachot related to the week’s parsha.  Interspersed are Rabbi Culi’s own comments which often speak about issues we can relate to today.

Parsha Shiur for Kids: Shabbat 11:00AM-11:20AM. Taught by Jeremy Friedman

A fun and interactive exploration into the parsha drawing lessons from some of the classic commentaries and

What we've been learning:

Each week we discuss a different topic related to the parsha.  The students are invited to share insights they have learned at home and in school.  In addition we usually focus on one practical lessons from the parsha that the kids can apply in their lives.  Instruction is tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual children.

Mishna - Winter months at noon, coordinated by Barry Goldberg; Summer months 45 minutes before Mincha - taught by Rabbi Wax

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Jewish Thought - Tuesdays at 9:15 AM - taught by Rabbi Wax. This class is on winter break - will resume on May 2

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Bible Study - Tuesdays at 10:30 AM - taught by Rabbi Wax. This class is on winter break - will resume on May 2

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Gemara - Sundays after Shacharit - This class is on winter break. Will resume on April 2nd

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Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785